
About Us

We are a website dedicated to providing high-quality AI-powered language solutions. We use cutting-edge technology to help businesses and individuals interact with machines in a more effective and efficient way.


When you leave a comment on our website, we collect the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your website address (optional)
  • The content of your comment
  • Your IP address
  • Your browser User-Agent string

We collect this information to prevent spam comments and to improve our comment system. Your email address will be used to send you comment notifications and website updates. Your IP address and browser User-Agent string will be used to detect spam comments.


If you upload an image or other media file to our website, we will collect the following information:

  • The date the file was uploaded
  • The time the file was uploaded
  • The user who uploaded the file
  • The name of the file
  • The type of file
  • The size of the file
  • The URL of the file

We collect this information to manage our media library and to prevent unauthorized access.


When you visit our website, we place a cookie on your computer. A cookie is a small file that stores information about you and your use of our website. We use cookies to improve your user experience and to track our website traffic.

Embedded Content from Other Websites

Our website may contain embedded content from other websites, such as videos, images, or articles. When you visit a page with embedded content, you may be prompted to accept cookies from that website. We have no control over the use of these cookies, so we recommend that you check the privacy policies of these websites for more information.

Who We Share Your Data With

We do not share your personal information with any third parties, unless required to do so by law.

How Long We Retain Your Data

We will retain your comments, media files, and personal information indefinitely. This is to prevent spam comments and to maintain the security of our website.

What Rights You Have Over Your Data

You have the right to access, correct, delete, and restrict our processing of your personal information. You also have the right to object to our processing of your personal information and to request that we transfer it to another data controller.

Where Your Data Will Be Sent

Your data will be stored on our servers, which may be located in China or other countries.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us.