AI Dialogue Chat


TigerBot is an AI conversation chatbot launched by the domestic company Hubo Technology.


TigerBot is an AI conversation chatbot launched by the domestic company Hubo Technology. Based on its latest multimodal large language model, TigerBot, this model includes two versions with 7 billion parameters and 180 billion parameters, both of which are open source to the public. Support article creation, table data statistics, trial Q&A, and support multimodality, capable of generating image drawings.
The main functions of TigerBot
Article and copywriting creation. TigerBot supports scene creation of articles, generating plot summaries, writing poetry, generating titles, email writing, advertising copy creation, article outline generation, comment generation, etc
Table data statistics. List the data you need to organize, and TigerBot can create a table based on the data you provide and provide a brief analysis
Brainstorming, inspiration never runs out. When you have no ideas, you can use TigerBot to list, recommend, suggest, and associate, allowing you to open up your thoughts and expand your perspective
Dialogue chat. Support situational dialogue, role-based dialogue, and regulated emotional dialogue, creating personalized dialogue partners or dialogue scenes that are exclusive to you
Supports multimodality and can input text descriptions for painting
Is TigerBot free
The large model of TigerBot is free and open source, and you can view or download its model on GitHub or HuggingFace. The online conversation AI is currently in free beta testing, and interested friends can visit its official website or WeChat mini program to apply to join the beta testing.

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