AI Dialogue Chat

Kimi Chat

Kimi Chat is an intelligent dialogue assistant launched by domestic artificial intelligence startup Moonshot AI


Kimi Chat is an intelligent dialogue assistant launched by domestic artificial intelligence startup Moonshot AI (Dark Side of the Moon), which supports inputting context of up to 200000 Chinese characters. Kimi Chat excels in conversations between Chinese and English, helping users solve various problems in their daily lives and work, providing practical information and reference suggestions.
The main functions of Kimi Chat
Answer questions: Answer various questions, including those related to daily life, technology, education, entertainment, and other fields
Provide suggestions: Provide suggestions on various topics, such as travel, shopping, dining, etc
Language translation: Translating texts between Chinese and English
Knowledge inquiry: providing knowledge about topics such as history, geography, science, etc
Calculation and mathematical problems: solving mathematical problems, such as calculations, unit conversions, etc
Schedule and Reminder: Schedule, set reminders, and remind you of upcoming events
Website and file reading: Users can send websites or files, and AI will read the relevant content and reply to questions
Frequently asked questions
What big model is Kimi Chat based on?
Kimi Chat is based on a billion parameter large model developed by Moonshot AI, supporting context windows of up to 200000 Chinese characters.
Does Kimi Chat support reading files?
Kimi Chat supports uploading files in PDF, doc, xlsx, ppt, txt and other formats, and allows users to ask questions about the file content.
Is Kimi Chat free?
Kimi Chat is currently open to users for free and has not yet released a paid version.

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