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ChatPPT is an AI generated PPT software provided by Biyou Technology for PPT users


ChatPPT is an AI generated PPT software provided by Biyou Technology for PPT users. The product is based on ChatGPT and the Wernicke model, and provides AI creation services for PPT users that can create PPT documents through natural language commands and Chat mode.
The product underwent full network public testing on March 15th and can be applied to join the public testing. Currently, the versions are divided into online experience version and Office plugin version:
Online experience version, which refers to the AI generated PPT service for online experience.
Office plugin version, which provides complete AI generated PPT functionality based on Microsoft Office and WPS, including AI generated PPT, AI instruction beautification and setting PPT, including various common PPT document operations such as AI drawing and graphics, AI icons, and text cloud images.

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