AI Office ToolsAI Document Tools


SmartRead is an AI document reading and analysis tool based on AI artificial intelligence technology and intelligent document technology


SmartRead is an AI document reading and analysis tool based on AI artificial intelligence technology and intelligent document technology, which can quickly extract information from complex documents. Through interactive chat, key information and inspiration can be accurately and flexibly obtained, greatly saving document reading and information retrieval time. It can be efficiently applied in work and learning scenarios, such as reading industry market reports, product manuals, legal documents, academic papers, e-books, etc.
Application scenario:
Assist lawyers/business professionals in analyzing the risk protection tendencies of contracts
Help market/researchers summarize the development trends of industry reports
Help HR/team managers assess the skill level of professional resumes
Help marketing/product personnel refine the key selling points of product manuals
Help students/teachers summarize the core points of research papers
Product features:
Support complex chart document analysis and summary, and can analyze the charts in the document.
Support analysis of lengthy texts with tens of thousands of words, such as pasting official account articles, summarizing work reports, etc.
Supports over 100 languages. Cross language questioning and dialogue, such as reporting conversations in Chinese and English.
Support multi document and cross document analysis, intelligently extract the correlations and commonalities between different documents.

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